Saturday Surfing, Feb. 19, 2022

happy national Lash Day! Mascara as well as Kitties Tee.
Hi, as well as happy Caturday!

Oh, as well as happy national Lash Day too! Yes, we’re celebrating eyelashes now. My lashes are currently on the search for a new mascara, by the way. If you’re happy with yours, please share since Laura Mercier Caviar just isn’t doing it for me anymore (the curl hold isn’t the exact same for whatever reason).


Lately, I’ve been using a layer of Ilia Fullest Volumizing Mascara with a water resistant mascara on top, as well as while it does the task just fine, I’d prefer to have a one-and-done solution, so let me understand if you’ve discovered anything life changing!

Speaking of lashes, Connor had a mini-meltdown over her eyelashes recently. Hers are long as well as curly like El Hub’s, as well as they commonly get caught in her eyes, which is extremely uncomfortable for her. When it happens, I either assist her utilize a washcloth or rinse out her eyes with water to get the stuck lashes out.

Anywho, it occurred once again the other day, as well as she started speaking about cutting her lashes off since they were so bothersome… I shut that down genuine quick. I believe between the “absolutely not” as well as “you’re gonna poke your eye out,” something may have gotten lost in translation since she just started bawling. I held her in my arms as well as assured her that it wasn’t always going to be a problem, as well as that a person day she’d be grateful for such lovely lashes. then we rinsed out her eyes as well as went about business as usual.


Macskák és Smink Sweatshirt?

$ 42

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Throwback to li’l infant lashes!
So yeah, happy national Lash Day. I hope you aren’t having a meltdown!

Ez a hét olvasása

Social media influencers are now cloning their pets…

Debbie Harry on red lipstick: “Red lipstick can be one of the catastrophes with smearing as well as bleeding, however then again, these can be intriguing looks to develop. I didn’t always wear red lips, as well as the shades of red different according to what I was wearing, my mood, or whatever I had available. I always like shades that had names that implied something wild, tempting, or nasty.”

Stevie Nicks is still living her dreams.

Acne is generally regarded in a different way in Korea than it is in the United States. In Korea, skin specialists focus on hydration as well as wetness barrier support to prevent blemishes.

Dog cologne is a thing.

One of my preferred feline “ladies” is clearly not a minimalist.

If you like elegant things…

I want to do this!

“I don’t like open concepts. provide me a space where I can shut a door.” <-----same HIRDETÉS Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. Anything interesting happening on your end? A barátságos közösségi szépségfüggő, Karen

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